10x Developer Training
Get 25% more done through the efficient use of AI developer tools
Start delivering more with the same development team - All it takes is one-day training and you’ll start seeing the results the very next day!
Real-World Benefits
Up to 25% more efficiency
95% developer satisfaction
* Measured real-world results from previous trainings and research
Why train for the use of AI tools?
Imagine giving an excavator to a construction site without anyone knowing how to use it. Without training, the excavator becomes inefficient or even dangerous. Additionally, just having the excavator is not enough: the worksite is likely not planned in a way that the excavator can move everywhere, there are no trucks to transport soil away, and there isn’t even enough fuel.
The true impact of the excavator is only realized when all these factors are considered. The same applies to AI-based development tools. Their true benefit becomes evident only when their use is sufficiently supported.
What on earth is 10x Developer?
10x Developer is an intensive one-day training program for the efficient use of AI tools. With the help of the workshop, your team gains the necessary skills to effectively use advanced AI tools, resulting in increased productivity, streamlined workflows, and improved developer satisfaction.
Concrete Benefits
Achieve tangible benefits with the latest AI tools and expertise as early as the next day:
Faster development pace and higher customer satisfaction.
More time for valuable creative problem-solving.
Higher code quality – fewer bugs, better readability, and maintainability.
More satisfied developers, better motivation, less turnover, and a more attractive workplace.
Proven and measurable results.
Content of the Training
The one-day training equips you with tools for more efficient coding and planning, as well as structured progression in their usage:
Best practices for working with AI models and understanding their optimization in development usage.
Understanding the operational models of modern AI tools and their optimization alongside AI models.
Methods for working with modern AI tools and models that enable their efficient use.
Deep dive into the latest tools, their features, and effective application.
Various exercises and a practical, applied project.
Post-training follow-up surveys to assess results and identify next steps.
Is the 10x Developer training right for you?
10x Developer is a training program purely focused on efficient use of AI developer tools, with an emphasis on maximizing benefits. It does not teach the basics of tools and AI models. Therefore, participants are expected to have prior knowledge of using AI development tools (such as GitHub Copilot or Cursor) as well as basic understanding of language models.
Get a Free Consultation
Everything starts with a single message. If you feel that your company fits within the framework of this training, by filling out the form below, you are already one step closer to a productivity leap.