
Mikko Tikkanen Mikko Tikkanen

Discovering AI Opportunities with Lean AI Canvas 2.0

The use of Artificial Intelligence in business can be an overwhelming problem, not because of a lack of opportunities but because of the abundance of them. Just knowing where to start can be difficult. The Lean AI Canvas was originally created as a systematic approach for this specific problem, to serve as a framework for exploiting AI opportunities reliably and repeatably. In the next version, Lean AI Canvas 2.0, the key addition is the 'Explore' phase, which aids in the discovery of AI opportunities ripe for exploitation.

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Mikko Tikkanen Mikko Tikkanen

Identifying AI Opportunities with the Lean AI Canvas

Looking to enhance your business with AI but unsure where to start? Here is a process that I use with clients, boiled down to a simple canvas-like tool. It aims to offer a practical and structured approach for businesses of all sizes to identify and implement new AI opportunities effectively.

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Mikko Tikkanen Mikko Tikkanen

Introducing Lean AI: From Overwhelm to AI Mastery

The Lean AI approach is akin to strategic iteration. Instead of diving headfirst into building colossal systems, the process emphasizes trying to find the possible failure points as quickly as possible by starting small, testing, and refining. By doing so, you're not only conserving resources but also ensuring that each step you take is calculated and effective.

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